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Benefits of Massage Therapy
Research has proven the enormous benefits of massage therapy. From treating physical injuries to chronic diseases, helping ease the stress of our fast paced lifestyles, and even preventing illness and conditions before they develop, massage therapy can be tremendously beneficial for people of all ages.
Physical Benefits of Massage
Many of us spend our days hunched over a computer keyboard, throwing off our posture and creating stiffness, discomfort and pain in the neck, shoulders, upper back and arms. Some work and play at sports programs and fitness regimes that can eventually take their toll on our muscles and joints. Others deal with chronic pain and disability.
Regular therapeutic massage from a Registered Massage Therapist can be an excellent part of anyone's health maintenance. As such, many extended health benefits programs include massage therapy in their roster of allowed treatments. Listed below are some of the physical benefits of massage therapy by a registered therapist:
Psychological Benefits of Massage
Some experts think that more than 90% of illness is stress related. Massage helps relieve the stresses and tensions of everyday living that can eventually lead to disease and illness. The negative effects of many illnesses (eg. diabetes) can also be accelerated by stress and nothing ages us faster than sustained, high-level stress. While massage cannot eliminate the pressures of our fast paced world, it can help manage that stress. The relief of physical and mental stress through massage therapy results in the following psychological benefits:
Massage therapy can help relieve stress, expedite injury recovery, improve physical and mental function and benefit your quality of life.
Massage Therapy is a safe, effective, and drug-free treatment. Get well, stay well! Contact us today!